CBI offers custom design and cloning gene(s) of interest (GOI) from non-lentiviral plasmids into HIV-1 based 3rd generation lentivirus vectors. You can choose vector with one of the following promoters: CMV, EF1-α, PGK or UbC. Also, indicate whether you need any additional features, such as fluorescent markers, specific antibiotic resistance or tags. In addition we have bi- and tri-cistronic constructs to subclone multiple GOIs into single lentivirus.
If you don't have the cDNA, please provide Accession number for the GOI or its name, and we will either find or synthesize the cDNA and deliver pLV-III-GOI plasmid DNA.
In-frame fusion constructs with tags, such as HA, His, and V5, as well as with fluorescent proteins EGFP and mCherry can be made.